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Breaking Novak Djokovic Lands In Australia Amidst Visa Saga

BREAKING: Novak Djokovic Lands in Australia Amidst Visa Saga

Latest Developments

Djokovic Interview

Novak Djokovic has arrived in Australia despite ongoing uncertainty surrounding his visa status. In his first interview since landing, the tennis star has maintained his defiance, declaring that he will not withdraw from the Australian Open.

Government Response

The Australian government has reiterated its stance that Djokovic's entry into the country remains subject to visa approval. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned that "no one is above the rules." Meanwhile, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke has the authority to cancel Djokovic's visa at his discretion.

Public Reaction

The news of Djokovic's arrival has sparked mixed reactions. Some support his decision to defend his Australian Open title, while others believe that he should abide by the country's COVID-19 regulations. Protests have taken place at Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport, where Djokovic landed.

Next Steps

The ultimate outcome of this saga remains uncertain. Djokovic's visa status is expected to be determined in the coming hours or days. If his visa is canceled, he will be deported from Australia. If approved, he will be allowed to compete in the Australian Open, which is scheduled to begin on January 17.
