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Earth Overshoot Day 2024

Earth Overshoot Day: Humanity's Ecological Footprint Exceeds Earth's Capacity

2022: 374 Earths Needed to Sustain Swiss Lifestyle Globally

According to the Global Footprint Network, humanity's demand on nature in 2022 exceeded Earth's capacity to regenerate these resources by August 2, known as Earth Overshoot Day. This means it would take 374.15 Earths to support humanity's resource consumption if everyone lived like people in Switzerland.

Earth Overshoot Day 2024 Announcement and Calculations

The date for Earth Overshoot Day 2024 will be announced on June 5. The Global Footprint Network, an international research organization, calculates Earth Overshoot Day by comparing humanity's ecological footprint to Earth's biocapacity, the planet's ability to provide resources and absorb waste.

Call for Reflection and Sustainable Practices

Observing Earth Overshoot Day is a reminder to reconsider our lifestyle and consumption patterns. By reducing our carbon footprint, promoting sustainable agriculture, and advocating for renewable energy, we can help shift humanity towards a more sustainable future.
